Cotton is an indispensable part of our life. Although it is used most often in textiles, it is possible to see it in every moment of our lives. Cotton is such a valuable agricultural product that the inner layer of cotton is used in industry, the outer layer of cotton is used in animal husbandry. Therefore, its use is quite common in our country. It is used in the chemical industry, in the manufacture of artificial textile materials, and it’s pulp even in the field of animal husbandry. According to 2019 data, Turkey ranks 7th among the cotton producing countries in the world. The top three countries producing the most cotton in the world are, respectively; China, India, and the United States.

According to the report of the National Cotton Council, our country meets 40% of its cotton from domestic production and imports the remaining 60% from abroad. The good side of cotton imports is that imported cotton is processed and exported to various countries of the world as ready-to-wear and textile products. European ready-to-wear brands have started to prefer Turkey, turning to locations closer than China and Asian countries that have been isolated due to the pandemic. Thus, the imports we make return to us exponentially as exports.

We as BAKA TARIM with the BACOTTON brand in America, India and especially Far East; we contribute to our county’s development by delivering the highest quality cotton at affordable prices to Turkey in a wide geography ranging from Brazil, Egypt, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, Central Asia and Greece.