The homeland of sesame, popularly known as yellow gold, is India. Sesame, which is grown in hot regions such as Manisa, Antalya and Adana in our country, is produced mostly in Ethiopia, China and Sudan and offered to the world market. Sesame farming being based on manual labor and hot climatic conditions prevents the spread of sesame production to large areas.

Although Turkey has a 0.2 percent rate in world sesame production, it needs imports due to excessive consumption of sesame throughout the country. Sesame seeds are imported from countries such as Tanzania, Malawi, East Africa, Ethiopia, Chad and especially Nigeria.

As Bacotton brand, with our 15 years of experience, we work to deliver the products procured directly from the manufacturer at an affordable price in accordance with the demand of our customers and deliver them to the specified point on time. With our wide production network we have established, we sell sesame that we have packaged not only to our country but also to the Middle East and Far East.